وظائف في الاردن

تعلن مجموعة المعاصرون- شركة أركان لصناعة الحديد والصلب عن حاجتها لتعيين مهندس بكالوريوس او دبلوم

تعلن مجموعة المعاصرون- شركة أركان لصناعة الحديد والصلب عن حاجتها لتعيين مهندس بكالوريوس او دبلوم

Al-Moasron Group / Arkan Company for Iron and Steel Industry announces its need to appoint an environmental engineer to deal with tasks related to the environment with the following qualifications:

1- Holds a bachelor’s degree or diploma in engineering
2- Leads works & activities mentioned in the “environmental corrective action plan”
3- Follow up maintenance works at the dust filtration baghouse.
4- Conduct regular measurements for emission and combustion flue gases and submit needed reports
5- Lead awareness campaigns for workers
6- Arrange and Lead housekeeping campaigns
7- Establish proactive solutions for hazard material handling and spillages
8- Landscaping

For those wishing to apply for the job, send your CV .
No later than 25/03/2023 mentioning the position in the subject line.

[email protected]

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